Monday, March 9, 2009

Reaction to the class.

Okay, so here is my reaction to this class. It was fun. I had a good time listening to Gearhart go off tangent, and I actually learned a few things from his real life examples. I learnedmore about poster design and working with video. I also enjoyed the discussion on crisis management. I think it was worth my while to take this class.
One thing that does concern me how ever is that I have no idea what my grade is in this class and the final is next week. I know that Mr. Gearhart is a busy guy, but it is really hard for the students to be able to judge their preformance in a class when there is really no feed back from the professor.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The future of communications

After watching the short video about "Internet newspapers" from 1981, I have a lot of questions about the future of communications. Growing up, the idea of the Internet was something that was seen as a luxury item only. Research had to be done with books and newspapers. Now, most of the time, when I need to do some research for class, I jump on the computer. Within a few minutes, I have a number of leads to go find in the library, or print out a fresh article from a database.
Maybe because i was raised by hippies, I often wonder about the implications of having so much technology. It seems with every jump forward we make in technology, the more detached we get from ourselves and the people around us. When I was 18, only the really rich could afford Ipods. Now when I get on the bus, over half of the people have the stereotypical white buds protruding from their ear. Bus rides used that used to be filled with small talk and "hi, how are you?", are now filled with over blasted music and the vacant stares of riders.
What will the next step brings us? Will it be beneficial? Or will we detach ourselves a little further from the other human beings around us?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Week 7?

Okay, so this has been a very uneventful week. We didn't have class on Monday, because of the Holiday, then class was cancelled on Wensday, and I will not be going on the fieldtrip on Friday. So I figured i would write a blog about all the nothing that happened in class this week. I hope that everyone that goes has a very safe time and learns all that they want to learn. I will see you all on Monday.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Week 3 response

The third week of class was interesting. We discussed press releases and were required to type one up about the Poly Royal Rodeo. We brought them in on Friday and they were looked over by one of our peers. It was interesting to me because it gave me a chance to look at the work of other people and get ideas on how I could improve my own work.
The only thing that I got upset about was that, I was unclear about when the autobiographies were due, and as a result mine has not been turned in yet. I'm a little nervous about this. I will have to talk to Gearhart about it. That's about it for this week.

Monday, January 12, 2009

First Post

For the first week and a part of class, the verdict is good. I enjoy the class. The idea of posting video on the internet is a little intimidating. Oh well. I look at this class as an opprotunity to get out of my comfort zone and learn, so bring it on!
The whole blogging thing doesn't really bother me. I just recently started another blog on this sight, so set up was not an issue. I really don't know much about vlogging. I know that new media is something I am going to have to learn about if I want to have a career in Journalism, even if it mostly in the field of Agriculture. I suppose I should stop complaining and get on with it.